Thursday, January 28, 2010


I thought it would be good to have a final recap of our goals for this month, especially for the Eating from the Pantry Challenge. I'm excited to say that we still have $21 left in our food budget out of the $150 that we first budgeted! Woo hoo! And we even went out to eat several more times (temperature Tuesdays at Runza of course). I missed out on a lot of good deals but it was kind of nice not to make out a big list and price match every week. I am excited this week to get some good deals and replenish some of the basics (i.e. taco shells) that we have ran out of. This month we were able to use up many things from both the pantry (i.e. cans of veggies, fruit, beans, etc.) and the freezer (i.e. meat, bread, veggies) but I realized we still have lots of food that should be used up. For example, we started out the month with around 7-8 boxes of Hamburger Helper and still have around 7-8 boxes (we did eat 1).
Emptier than normal downstairs cupboard. (See all the Hamburger Helper?!)

Things I've learned:
1. Taking the time to plan a menu is so worth it! We eat healthier and it's less stressful when supper is already ready when I come home late.
2. I should not buy things we don't really love (i.e. Hamburger Helper) even if it is an amazing deal. This food ends up sitting in the pantry forever.
3. We should buy more fruit and easy things to grab for breakfasts and lunch. They are healthy and taste good too!
4. We need to start eating more cereal to use it up.
5. I love the crock pot! (But don't cook something in it for more than 6 hours....oops)

And now for an update on my other goals.
1. Read the Bible at least once a week on my own. ( I know this doesn't seem like much, but I am starting small.) Hmmm....I'm still struggling to make this one a habit. I just can't find the right time to do this.
2. Remember to take our Bible to church with us every time we go. Honestly, we haven't done well with this one either since we haven't made it to church much this month.

3. Listen to church on the radio when we can't go and take notes for Josh since he has to work.
Check! I have listened to church every week we didn't go and took notes for Josh. When we couldn't go because of my school function, Josh even took notes for me!
4. Go to our small group every week. Check. Last week we had a fun football party!

5. Continue to pray with Josh before each meal and remember to pray on my own before eating.
Half check. Josh and I always pray together and I've been doing better about praying on my own before meals.

1 comment:

  1. Speak for yourself about the hamburger helper. I think it is a great meal!
