First, a financial challenge for the month. Several other blogs that I enjoy are doing a challenge for this month so I thought we would give it a try.

1. Spend $100 dollars or less on groceries and $50 or less on eating out.
2. Only buy milk, fruits, veggies, or anything that's an amazing deal as long as we don't go over budget.
3. Plan menus.
So far we've done pretty well. We did eat out twice at Runza (FREE Runzas on temperature Tuesdays...couldn't pass that up!) and we did buy 10# of 93% beef since it was only $1.78 per pound. So far we have spent about $75 total. Hopefully if we follow through with this we will save $75 this month compared to what we usually spend. This will probably go into savings. I've actually been amazed at how many meal ideas I have found that utilize all the things we have and my ability to substitute ingredients. Hopefully I can stay on top of all this with school starting. I did have a baking day where I made 3 meals of turkey tetrazinni and 3 meals of ham balls for the freezer. I also have been and plan to continue utilizing the crock pot, especially on nights I have class until 7.
Second, I've decided to make some spiritual goals. This is a little scary to me for some reason but I want to be better about following God. After all, He does deserve it!
1. Read the Bible at least once a week on my own. ( I know this doesn't seem like much, but I am starting small.)
2. Remember to take our Bible to church with us every time we go.
3. Listen to church on the radio when we can't go and take notes for Josh since he has to work.
4. Go to our small group every week.
5. Continue to pray with Josh before each meal and remember to pray on my own before eating.
Well, that's all for now. Time for bed!
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